Last Updated: 6 months ago
It is hard to miss seeing others with hearing loss have great success with Shokz headphones.
How easy it would be to listen to a podcast or follow along on a Zoom meeting without noise interference making it difficult to make out what someone is saying.
You dream of those days when you can run without hearing aids and a cochlear implant. That is the day you don’t need to worry about sweat ruining your hearing aids or the metal clipping of your cochlear implant slipping off.
Perhaps you’re wondering if these bone conductor headphones can make you hearing aid- or cochlear implant-free.
Are you wondering does bone conduction headphones work for deaf? We’ll help you decide if this is worth your next purchase.
How do bone conduction headphones work?
Not everyone who experiences hearing loss can wear a bone conductor headphone alone. The determining factor is based on which part of your ears that are damaged.
The bone conductor works by skipping the sound from entering the ear canal or the middle ear (the ear drum) but head directly to the inner ear. So, your inner ear must be functional for your bone conductor headphone to work by itself. Hence, any nerve damage will make it hard to hear and bone conductor will be ineffective.
Therefore, if you have sensorineural hearing loss, consider the possibility that bone conductors won’t work alone. Yet, bone conduction headphones with hearing aids are possible. You can still choose to wear a bone conductor with your hearing aids or cochlear implant as another option for a headphone.
Are bone conduction headphones good for hearing impaired?
You’re looking for a solution with good battery life
It would be nice to have other options other than wearing a Bluetooth device. We all know how Bluetooth can suck up all a battery’s energy.
If you juggle between Zoom meetings, listening to podcasts or music and binge-watching YouTube videos on a giving day, you sometimes wish you didn’t have to deal with the inconvenience of changing your batteries now and then.
Having a headphone that doesn’t depend on your hearing aid battery is a nice option.
Finding an ear headphone without causing a major whistling noise is a challenge.
Two things happen when your headphone cup isn’t big enough to cover your hearing device. Either, you find that your ears are so sore. The pain throbbing against your ear’s cartilage reminds you that it’s time to remove your headphones and say no more.
Also, you may find your hearing aids whistle too much. It can be an annoyance that can make it hard to hear what you need the most.
A bone conductor headphone is another option for over-the-ear headphones. You don’t have to worry about covering yours too close to your device microphone and pressing it against your ears for a long time.
You don’t want to block all the background noises.
It is hard to believe that some of us don’t mind a little background noise. Often, Bluetooth listening can block out all the noise around you. Your only choice is to focus on listening to the audio that is streaming with your Bluetooth devices.
But it comes at a convenience. Without hearing anything, you are constantly startled by the littlest things that appear in your peripheral vision. The bone conductor headphones don’t block the sound but give you an added boost of clarity, no matter what your hearing loss situation is.
The bone conductor headphones would be a great alternative if you ever need to step outside the home. Sometimes, you need to feel safe knowing what’s going around you. There isn’t enough time to switch between programs to suit your listening preferences. This is why bone conductor headphones are a great option when listening at the airport and still hearing the announcements. Or, while walking and listening to a podcast, you must still be attentive to the cars driving by.
Use bone conduction headphones as hearing aid.
Bone conduction headphones can be used as a listening device. It’s possible to use Shokz as hearing aids.
If you already use bone conductors as headphones to listen to music, you can also use them as hearing aids. The only thing missing is a microphone. Either you have a microphone attached, or you have some way of streaming sound from your smartphone’s microphone, you created a makeshift hearing aid.
Can deaf people hear through bone conduction?
Yes, but depending on their hearing loss. Having sensorineural hearing loss wouldn’t work well. But, if that’s not you, a bone conductor headphone can be a great alternative headphone for some and a complete hearing device replacement for others.
It is a great way to balance the amount of battery your hearing aid can consume with Bluetooth streaming. It also allows you to enjoy the sounds surrounding you without being in your private sound bubble.
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