Last Updated: 6 months ago
You’re looking forward to your next vacation now.
In preparation for your vacation around the corner, you’re now looking at what you want to be packing.
You developed a routine at home that you want to bring with you. It would be ideal to have the things you know that make your life easier to bring along on your trip alone. You’ve invested in a system of assistive devices to manage your day-to-day life.
The idea of carrying all the bulky alarm clock devices with you, especially if you plan on not checking in your baggage, would mean that half of your precious space in your luggage is being traded for all your assistive devices.
Not every hotel or Airbnb provides you with the necessary accommodation, and you don’t want to leave that to chance. You wonder how to replicate your well-equipped assistive device for something you can carry on the road. I am about to share a compact travel alarm clock that you should consider purchasing.
These under-the-pillow alarm clock devices will help wake you up while you’re away from home. Along with an app, you can program your ideal wake-up time. It’s compact enough to tuck into your purse or handbag without taking up space.
Most smartwatches these days can double duty as an alarm clock. Pavlok was originally designed to help with building good habits. However, these wearables make great wake-up alarms. Even for the most deep sleeper. Pavlok can zap your skin, which will jolt you up in time.
Another under-the-pillow device with a programmable alarm app that works if space is an issue. It’s small enough to fit into the size of the palm of your hand. It can work as a two-in-one with a sounding alarm. Your hearing partner or travel buddy wouldn’t need to pack their own alarm clock.
TravelTim vibrating alarm clock
Maybe shaker and sound are not your things, but you want another option to wake up. TravelTim was a flashing LED light to wake you up in a black-out room. It also has the ability to attach to other external compatible devices like another under-the-pillow shaker.
You can pack light
There are options for alarm clocks that work for people who are deaf and hard of hearing. You don’t need to compromise on packing light. With the number of devices available to carry with you without taking up too much space, you can still wake up on time and not worry if your hotel will remember to fulfil your accommodation request.