Best Apps for Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Useful apps for day-to-day use

Hullah has no hearing and is looking for the best app to help her hear and communicate better. She will need different support for different reasons, and she also doesn’t want to buy so many assistive technologies (AT) to help with one thing at a time.

It’s already expensive to own hearing aids, but when she needs better amplification, clarity, or to make life easier at moments in her life. 

For the longest time, devices and equipment were the things you sought to get extra hearing care support. Your local hearing service shop or association could sell whatever they had in stock. With the invention of smartphones, apps allow people like Hullah to benefit from many options under one device.

The benefits of apps have opened doors to better experiences and access than ever before.

Brand Lock-in Problem

Many hearing care companies benefit from building designated hardware devices for a profit.

For example, buying one amplifier for your telephone, another amplifier for your TV, and then another alerting device can all add up.

Moreover, having a specific device for specific tasks can enable manufacturers to stay profitable. It will ensure that you will continue to purchase their device and all the accessories to keep you on forever, even if the product is good or not. 

Android v.s. iPhone

Similarly, we all feel the pain of using Android and iPhone devices. If you started or own an iPhone, you’ll be familiar with the push to buy all the Apple complementary accessories. Before you know it, the next time you find something interesting for a non-compatible device, you are forced to stay with what you have.

In this case, you don’t want to own another phone, like an Android, for just one thing. If you do switch, you will lose everything that you own. Comparatively, many traditional alerting devices and other assistive technologies are like that. 

Why settle?!

Apps are an excellent way of not getting locked into another expensive device. Notably, our mobile phones have all the components of hearing aids, stereo systems, assistive technology and many more. Indeed, an app for the deaf can help leverage these components without buying another device.

Benefits of apps

Another thing is apps don’t take long to ship and travel to your mailbox. So when you get access to an app you want, you can download and use it immediately. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the crazy shipping cost to get the device over to you.

Additionally, you don’t need to travel far to get the app at a physical store. Maybe you live in communities without shops for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.

I will share the best apps for hearing impaired in this article to help with basic day-to-day things. We’ll go beyond the best speech-to-text apps for deaf or sound recognition apps.

We’ll explore apps that have the potential to make our lives more productive and convenient.

The best hearing test app for Android and iPhone.


If you are ever curious about any gradual decline in hearing loss, this app can test your hearing. It’s a quick way to get an answer before a more professional hearing test. That is to say, while you’re waiting for your next appointment, you can evaluate if you are experiencing some changes.

Shoebox Audio

The pandemic has made it difficult for us to visit the audiologist during the lockdown. However, having a remote hearing test without meeting in person is an option for you and your audiologist. Shoebox initially started this app to help people in remote areas who didn’t have access to hearing health professionals.

World Wide Hearing

Similarly, World Wide Hearing has a mobile diagnostic device that enables people in developing countries to access hearing care where healthcare professionals are scarce. As a matter of fact, there could be one audiologist for a million citizens with hearing loss in some countries.

The best hearing amplifier app for Android and iPhone


You can turn your smartphone into an external microphone to enable you to hear better at restaurants and social gatherings. In light of the many hearing aids that can connect to our smartphones these days, you’ll be able to hear other people’s voices a lot clearer. 

See also  12 Best Speech-to-Text Apps for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (2024)

Sonic Cloud

Understanding that everyone has a unique hearing experience, Sonic Cloud provides personalized hearing. Their app allows you to customize your hearing loss and capture the quality of sound from various audio platforms like video conferencing, audiobooks, music, podcast and radios to name a few.


There are three apps under this brand. First, you can use the Jacoti Listening App as a spare hearing aid if your hearing aid is out for repair. Second, Jacoti Hearing Center allows you to check your hearing with a hearing test. Finally, JacotiLola is the new digital FM system that connects the speakers’ device and your device to get clear audio communication.

Sound Amplifier (Google)

This hearing enhancement app can quickly customize sounds and limit background noise using headphones and Android phones. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work well for ear pods without noticing the audio delay.

Sound Amplifier is an accessibility feature that is available on your Android device. No download is required.

Conversation Boost, Headphone Accommodation & Live Listen

Similar to Google’s Android device, there are several ways to clarify sounds from your iPod or iPhone (Conversation Boost), headphones (Headphone Accommodation) or using your smartphone (Live Listen). These are also available under your device accessibility feature.


We may have a deaf accent or an accent that doesn’t get picked up by traditional voice assistant applications when we speak. Not to mention, getting Alexa or Suri to understand what you repeatedly say can be annoying. But, with the help of software that comprehends what we are trying to say, it can make using our voice assistant a lot easier.

Lipreading support

Read Our Lips

If you had hearing loss before closed captioning was a thing, you understand the value of lip reading. Lip reading is a skill that takes practice, but it can help fill in the words to gain better comprehension. Read Our Lips gives you the training you need without finding a local class or a convenient time to attend near you.

Livestream captioning

Ai-Media live captions

Ideally, you can add live captioning for event organizers or people setting up meetings. This time the captioning can be aided by a designated person to ensure accuracy. They also have multilingual automated captioning if you want to receive the text in another language.

Noise level monitor

Soundprint app

Some venues, particularly restaurants, are very loud, which is a place you don’t want to visit. There’s nothing worse than being alone in the company of people because you can hear enough to have a conversation. Soundprint app can allow you to measure the noise volume to decide if you want to stay any longer or find some quiet spaces. 

ASL Support


Going to the museum with an audio-guided tour or reading some bank documents may not be in an accessible format. So, having the content in sign language and accessible by a code that enables you to view the content in ASL becomes handy.

The ASL App

ASL may not be your first language, but it’s never too late to learn. Imagine being conversational in ASL. The ASL app will make you feel confident communicating with others who sign.


If you ever work with people or go to stores where others don’t understand sign language, Sign-Speak can translate sign language to text. It makes it handy to communicate without an interpreter everywhere you go.


Creating the next generation of speech-to-sign language applications. It also has a sign language detector to help notify you of sounds.

Emergency Apps


Emergency communications have not been accessible for many reasons. When you call or text 999 in the UK or 911 in North America, many questions are required to complete in any emergency call. Typing and texting can be challenging. This app simplifies the information needed so that you can get help faster. 

See also  Best Cell Phone for Hard of Hearing People

Text with 911 is Canada’s and the United States’ answer to emergency calls but is limited to some provinces or states. Deaf911 is rolling out a new solution to improve access.

Phone call Apps

Various Relay Apps

Gone are the days of using TTY. Relay apps are available if you live in the UK, US (and T-Mobile is your service provider ), Australia or Canada. Some provide either video or text communications, depending on what you prefer.

Real-Time Text

Your Apple and Android devices can use Real-Time Text, which allows you to connect with a TTY or just text. It’s like texting, but you can text in real time, and people can see you typing in real time. The device works based on your service provider and may not work overseas.


Similarly, Pedius is an app that allows you to make a phone call. You can speak orally or by typing your message. All audio communication from the other line comes with closed captioning. Pedius is used in many places worldwide, and companies can use it for conference (phone) calls.


RogerVoice started making it possible for people to get their phone calls captioned without worrying about not picking up the words or hearing clearly. In addition, companies can add RogerVoice to allow deaf and hard-of-hearing speakers to speak to their customer service agents. Phonak, the hearing aid brand, appears to have partnered with RogerVoice to offer a similar offering with their myCall-to-Text app to communicate in multiple languages.


The government provides free phone call captioning for US citizens using their smartphones. This app is suitable for oral communication. Unfortunately, you can’t text the other person if you do not want to talk. 


Like InnoCaption, CaptionMate provides a free app because the product is fully funded by the US government for Americans. It allows both you and the caller to have access to the transcription to read together. The app can work on your computer as well.


Olelo offers caption calls, which have been rated to have high accuracy. You can save the transcripts of your call, but all use it to call 911 or get a caption for your voicemail as well. Again, this is for US citizens only.


Purple is a multifaceted company offering a wide range of virtual interpreter services anywhere in the US. Not only can you use their app on a smartphone but also from the internet or their special custom device made with Cisco. ZVRS provides similar services.


If you are looking for a solution that doesn’t require you to talk but just type and read, the Nagish app is free on iOS and Android. This multilingual app keeps your conversation private.


Android’s Live Caption for smartphone devices and iPhone’s Closed Caption feature using Facetime or the HomePod also provide real-time captioning for oral communications, all available on your smartphone accessibility feature.


There are many smartphone apps for hearing impaired that can be download from the internet. Each has a specific purpose to support our needs at various times. We’ll greatly benefit from not having a significant upfront cost. Equally, we can try and explore more options without having to settle for what we can have or get.

Lisnen developed an app, too. You can learn more about our sound recognition app, which helps people be aware of the sounds in their surroundings.

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